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07 April 2009


i hate my day job

jadi buat kuiz dibawah

Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 42%

Well, you don't have the worst job in the world, but it's not great.

And don't worry, you're not the problem - your company is.

Start looking around for another job, even if you're not totally fed up.

Because in time, you're going to be dying to quit!

im dying to quit already...


Taichee~@! said...


Kamu mmg tabah! Harap bersabar yek!
Pepehal mana itu CV?

mrs_joey said...

huhu..kesian awk,,dulu2 kite pun merana ms mkn gaji dgn bila dh ade keje sdiri,,dok umah ,,jaga anak fulltime,,ini yg kita cari!!