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31 March 2008

::ruby slippers::

*closed eyes*

*theres no better place like home,theres no better place like home,theres no better place like home*

*open eyes*

Ceh!kat opis lagi...bosan betul! i got cranky this morning,semua buat semua tak kena..

powder blusher jatuh atas my carpet,tak boleh tanggal dah kaler blusher dari karpet tu...sengal betul! (bunda...blusher pakai kat pipi ye,bukan karpet...argghh...)

baru beli anmum hari khamis haritu...bila bukak the top lid and the aluminum foil...tgk2 perisa susu rendah lemak!bukan coklat seperti biasa! kena improvise...campur 2 scoop of milo...this should done the trick...or else i have to buy another one.(not a wise move,because a tin of large anmum is like RM40+...apasal aku tak tgk masa beli,pakai grab aje...aduh!..nasib rasa ok after added those milo...hahaha)

and who invent low fat milk for pregnant woman???!!...preggers need all the FAT they can!this is the time when woman can truly indulge without being guilty of being fat!

oh! its nearly 8.30 am....and im still at home...bugger!hate those monday morning...takper lambat gi opis sikit..hehehehahaha..

Fakta di Hari Minggu

1. My dear eldest sister...kaknaz has moved to Kuching for a better future...hoping she do well there..and hoping kak naz can balik semenanjung this august or maybe september to meet her spanking brand new anak sedara (that is my Chomel..)..InsyaAllah..Anas and me and also little Chomel pray for ur best over there

2. been meronda from one nursery to another (i mean plant nursery where people sell and buy flowers...not that baby nursery..heh!)..En.Suami got these green fingers...he likes, no i mean he lovesss gardening...sekarang rumah kami byk bunga and pokok...later i show u pics..hehehe (hatta umah kami apartment yang ada balcony sekangkang kera saja...still he decorate it with flowers...of course saya suke...)

3. sekarang En.Suami tak payah susah2 tekap telinga die ke perut saya untuk mendengar pergerakan si Chomel...boleh nampak my tummy is moving everytime Chomel move..kadang2 macam cerita alien pun ada...perut gerak2...scary juge...but most of the time saya gelak...pasal its funny how perut can move...hahaha (mothers to be,jgn cakap bukan2 masa mengandung...i.e:macam alien whatsoever...hahaha)...Chomel dah banyak bergerak sekarang..*sgt suke* tapi kadang2 sakit juge...


Cool said...

musti ur belly button dah ada kat atas kan?

Anasfadilah said...

jiji::unfortunately,belum lagi...hoping to see my belly button tersembol lagi beberapa bulan...hahaha

Nur Sakinah Ahmad said...

bl dh masuk 8bln keatas nti, lg bes..nmpk perut gerak cm pergerakan glasier je..funny,kn? kalo mandi pon bb gerak gak-sejuk agaknya bl kena air..hum...indah kan jd ibu,ni?

Anasfadilah said...

kinna::gerak macam yg tak sabar tgk sejuk mama die mandi?hehehe...mesti terasa sangat time die gerak2..dats the beuty of being a pregnant lady my auntie used to say to me...hehehe

Elyn Sani said...

hheh dh bleh tgk kalo tummy keras tetibe....... seronok dlm sakit2 tu