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03 April 2008

::6 Month::

Facts about the 6 month preggy me

1. lately craving for Famous Amos chocolate chip and macademia nuts cookies

2. easily exhausted

3. sangatlah haus every 30 minutes (and today,im fasting..ganti puasa...and imagine how am i going to tahan...seksa ohh jiwa dan raga..)

4. Chomel is very active days and nights

5. i am itchy all over my body...yes!all over..all my scracth mark is there accept my face..sangat gatal!even at night susah nak tidur..pasal gatal gile tahap dewa gatal...nasiblah if tinggal parut ke tak...tak tahan dah...sapu la minyak masak sekalipun...its gatal like gila

6. my tummy is getting bigger...if i ever stand up straight,i cant even see my feet...hahaha (let alone to see anything down south....hahahahahahahahahahaha!)

7. cant stand,walk,sit too long...nanti akan rasa pinggang akan ter snap into 2 pieces...sangat sakit..and its killing me! (oh!bila nak pegi barang baby lagi ni En.Suami...cant stand nor walk too long la sekarang...sape cakap suh beli barang masa 7 bulan...alamat merangkak la saya nak shopping2 barang baby ni...dang!shud buy all the baby stuff before i hit 6 month okeh!now im really piss off!!)

8. i walk a penguin should i say...hahaha...(this is due to my pinggang yang constantly sakit...)

9. tangga di opis adalah musuh ketat saya sekarang ini...only two flight of stairs...tapi rasa macam daki gunung jerai aje..

10. i still dont have the appetite to eat...macam mana ek dalam masa 2 weeks,saya boleh naik 1.4 kilos?aneh la...susah la takde selera makan ni...i wish to indulge all the thing i feel like eating while im pregnant,tapi selera terbatas...sad...sad..sad

Auntie zainon
said to me when i was in KL last month..."that's the beauty of being a pregnant lady...bukan semua orang dapat rasa tau..."

i was like..."emm betul juga" (auntie cakap gitu pasal saya cerita kat die,dalam toilet masa buang air kecil pun,masih terasa nak minum air pasal haus...hahaha...)

p/s::one one my colleague kata.."eh cepat ye dah nak masuk 6 bulan..."..yep..saya tak sabar nak melahirkan ni....InsyaAllah.


Obefiend Weiland said...


gambar bak mai la. tak cukup visual aid ni!


Anasfadilah said...

visual aid ek...tak terpikir pule...tapi sure nampak macam water buffalo aje sekarang...hahaha