How do I answer my toddler's questions about genitals?
Expert Answers
No need to worry. Keep it short and sweet, and your toddler will follow your lead.
As parents, we can get anxious when children ask about anything remotely sexual. But your child's curiosity about genitals is no different than her questions about eyes, ears, feet, noses, and other less private parts. And genitals are pretty interesting, as body parts go. Her questions are only natural — after all, she has to learn about private parts from someone, and it's best for that someone to be you.
How should you respond? Be direct, and stay matter-of-fact. Follow the rule of thumb: "Is this how I would tell her about elbows or knees?" Give her the anatomically correct name for the body part ("vagina," "penis") and avoid baby talk — using funny or silly words will just confuse her and, if anything, makes the discussion a bigger deal. If she asks what they're for, you can say that genitals are for going to the bathroom. If you feel comfortable mentioning that they're also used for making babies, that's okay, too. She may not get it, but a child this age has no understanding of sex and won't make that connection.
She may also ask why Daddy's or her brother's genitals are different from hers. Point out that each person is unique: Her best friend's eyes are blue while hers are brown, and Grandma's nose is smaller than Grandpa's. In the same vein, boys' private parts look different from girls'. Keep it simple, and if you don't act embarrassed, she won't be, either.
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biasa kita melayu akan guna ayat2 rekaan macam bebird or nonet to indicate penis
saya pernah berbincang dengan husband tentang ini masa pakaikan dipaer kat Ziyyad
saya panggil itu nonet tapi husband insist it is k*te (bunyi kasaq sangat)
so,husband u are right on this
but dont leh kata k*te katalah zakar..sopan sikit..hahah
p/s:: O , oh ye,ini pendekatan omputih,pendekatan org melayu lain pula..masa saya kecik saya fikir baby keluar ikot mulut tau..hahaha
p/p/s:: i subscribe to babycenter,very useful info u know..kak lisha hari tu ada pasal toddler yg bitting semua tu,macam mana nak handle and kenapa dia bite semua ada,lupa plak nak buh sini..nanti cari balik :D
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kalo untuk imran, saya panggil bird. tapi untuk irma err.. tak pernah 'namakan' lagi. ehehe. apa word yg sesuai ek? ckp bebird..jadi kene btolkan yer??
as for me pon K*te a little bit rude..hahahah..
zety zin:: dulu masa saya kecik mak kat itu poposh..comel kan?hahha..susah juga ek cari nick name ni..hahah
cikpid:: memang rude,tapi itulah hakikat..hahaha,kena betulkan juga la nampak gayanya,supaya anak tak confius kot
tapi bilas aya dah besar saya tau je beza...hahaha
p/s::saya budak bio maa
hiks saya panggil budak lelaki memang suka kalau kite tak pakaikan pampers kan..agaknye rasa bebas kot bird tu hahaha
saya panggil tote,bebird @ none. [mcm lucah plak tulis bende2 ni. hihi!]
sayapon ade subscribe dgn babycenter. so akan dpt monthly email dr diorg. mmg sgt2 membantu!
kalo gegirl biasa orang sebut apam kan..aduhai..salah besar disitu :P
dulu ms kecik2 aku ingat kuar kot perut..ternyata benar...hahaha aku kena belah perut :P
wahh begitu ek. bagus2 good info. pas nih kalu sami tanya leh jwb gitu
kalau girls, kitorang panggil pepet. kalau with boys, my mom ajar panggil boboy. so kalau tiap kali ada budak melayu (selalunya rempit) call themselves boboy kitorang gerenti akan gelak besar.
akak pggl tote @ bird. tp boys ni kalo lepas mandi or kite nk mandikan die terkinja2 seronok. sedap bernaked kot!! macam ckp farah dierang seronok ko bird die free hehehe
i panggil tote. si airyll kalau bukak pampers sibuk nak menggentel tote dia. kene jentik tgn..hhehehe
Usually, org yg tulis buku ni, mesti nak suruh guna nama yang betul. Supaya besar tadek confusion. But I think bile dah besar sket, bole je nak tambah satu lagi explanation.
Esp time nak explain "bad touch".
Kalau Anna, ermm, mungkin akan pangil tote kot? Nonek?
Kalau burung, kang konfius plak bila sebut burung betul.
Hah, pening-pening. Hehehe.
sy lak panggil x nampak lucah sgt kn? huhu..susah gak kan..anak sy 18 bulan gak tp blm pandai ckp sgt..bila dah petah nnt apa la nak jwb ya..
nak tambah. actually i don't think our way of nick-naming it is wrong. tote ke kote ke coz those are what's it's been called. those names are reserved for the genitals. sampai dah besar pun kita rasa that that word is lucah, kan?
kadang takleh pakai gak overseas expert ni.. coz dia generalize everyone in this world cam omputih. like come on, dorang kata 'pookie' tu panggilan manja. kita dengar pun nak tergelak kan?
tapi personally, i don't agree with calling boys' penis a 'bird' or 'punai' coz that would make the kid confused bila dia belajar what actual bird or punai looks like.
panggil je kote...terus terang.. :)
panggil jer bebird kan senang
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