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12 May 2009


(readers discretion advise..this is my rant though..)

Mr. H decided to move the new lab in KL, instead of Penang

so there goes my job opportunity..*slump*sigh~~~*

i am hopeful,maybe too hopeful

kind of sad really. As i know moving to my 4th year here as a contract research assistant

nothing move my adrenaline here. bored lame and mundane routine (thats why i do blog time kerja..i feel really bersalah..but what can i do. this is the only way that motivate me to wake up in the morning and move my ass to work..yes blog motivate to go to work..wahahaha..weh,korang jangan tiru saya)

ntahla. I did jobstreet,tapi tade rezeki

SPA ntah berapa kali apply

erecruit by usm sekarang pun susah nak masuk pasal apex thingy

saya bukan pekerja program khidmat singkat (PKS)

saya di upah oleh bos saya,melalui sebuah syarikat swasta (saya keje tempat kerajaan)

dimana bos saya masuk kan duit kat syarikat tu,so syarikat tu boleh bayar gaji saya

dengan cara itu,saya boleh dapat kwsp.

try explaining that kalau nak buat credit card atau loan whatsoever (tu pun kalau diorang paham)

"u sebenarnye kerja dengan syarikat Y atau degan n*fi*h?"

"dengan n*fi*h tapi melalui syarikat y"

"how leh?i dont understand"

"me neither..hahahaha"

"tapi ada pay slip kan?"


"well,taht will do"

tiring like hell

i dont know. the motivation working here is long gone.
on why i still work,tak berenti saje..pasal i still have to pay the car,some bill, i cant let husband working alone u see. i really want to be a WAHM. but i just cant. kenot.

just maybe if i look at the brighter sight

maybe i didnt get any new job

so i can sew all my NCs and sell it so i can get extra income

gaji cukup makan is never fun u see

u have to budget just about everything. i never had the fun to shop on impulse.

everytime i want to buy something, i have to think twice sometime more than that

why life sometime can be so difficult like this.

i know im not yet in the program bersamamu TV3

i know i have to bersyukur all the little things that i have

but,can i have just a little bit more

i just want a new job with better paycheck so i dont have to work my ass off to sew till late night just to have that extra income

i gave up already.

p/s::no,dont ask me to join mlm. not interested. i still want to work in a lab,so i can perasan like i am Hodges in CSI vegas.


Aku Bukan Bidadari said...

letak nuffnang...dapat 16k wohh...
hmm dila..cmner nk ckp
kadang2 apa yg kita x dpt tu maybe baik utk kita..

sekian..dila..cheer up babeh..tu pakcik kecik bertambah hensem mcm pelakon hindustan

eiNa said...

erk.. ekceli dila bukan u sorang jadikan blog utk motivate to go 4 too..
keja skang mmg susah nak dapek.. wlupun kta rasa tak best atleast kta msh lagi ade keje.. =)

Arin said...

Me=WAHM..sama penat macam keje opis..coz u have to juggle everything between doing ur stuff, cari client, meet client , masak untuk seisi umah, melayan anak2..but the thrill is there..

Mmg duit takkan melambung2 banyak and yes, you have to pk bukan takat 10 kali tapi 20 kali untuk berbelanja lebih.
Selalu kita kena pk, Allah SWT sayangkan kita dan anak-anak..rezeki mereka insya allah ader. Kita kene berusaha keras, sacrifice apa yang patut.

Nih , kak arin nye 2cents if you really want to quit your job and continue with your Kedai Chomel. Ramai sekarang yang ader online shops and i know, urs is one of yang mmg boleh dapat pelanggan selalu.

Jgn putus asa Dila, if job kali nih tak dapat..jgn putus asa untuk continue sewing till late night..insya allah, Allah SWT permudahkan apa jugak perancangan kita.

Panjang pulak cousin mu ini menulis..coz i'm writing this from my experience. Just asked along / yana how i juggle my work between kerja and menghadap 2 kenit di tumah..:)

Take care zousin..peluk cium for ziyyad too..

mama danial said...

ehem Dila...saya penah keja part-time lepas gave birth to Danial dulu. The international school terminated my contract and i was out of job after maternity leave. Just imagine that! life was hard masa tuh but i knew that rezeki anak ada di mana-mana. Insya-allah kalau kita terus berusaha, ada laa tuh nanti peluangnya.

Memang sakit kalau paycheck cukup makan jer tiap bulan but look on the brighter side, kamu masih ada bumbung untuk tidur, makan pakai masih cukup, masih ada kereta untuk bergerak sana sini. Keperluan anak perlu diutamakan daripada kehendak sendiri.

Nantilah...rezeki itu ada, cuma lambat tiba pada kamu.

Dong_Sanchai said...

pernah jadi RA dlu..mmg sampai satu tahap bole tensen dgn environment yg sama. sabar...mungkin belum rezeki tmpt lain tu...

idayu @ ayu said...

mungkin boleh cuba minta jadi RO or SO di universiti2 yg baru. mmg nak harap universiti yg dah lama mmg payah if keje di universiti nak mintak tak perlu go through SPA, SPA sgt leceh ooo...terlalu byk permohonan..dah cuba dulu asyik gagal..just my comment. cuba persoalan sanggup nak berhijrah ker..tu pun kene pikir.if suami kat situ kita kat sini payah juga..sabar ya adalah rezeki nanti. rezeki anak..

Jiji said...

mari keja jadi ID macam haku@!~

suealeen said...

salam membalas kunjungan...

mungkin boleh dikira saya ni berezeki murah juga. mudah dapat kerja alhamdulillah. tapi sekarang saya berhenti sebab syafiah perlukan penjagaan khas. saya berpegang kepada prinsip - kerja adalah satu ibadah, jika tidak ikhlas maka lebih baik berhenti dari melakukan sesuatu dengan sia². at the end of the day, kerja itu tidak lagi membawa keberkatan.

kalau nak kirakan obligation, saya juga mempunyai komitmen dengan pihak bank - loan rumah (tak share dengan suami sebab dia beli rumah lain). tapi alhamdulillah... rezeki terus tidak putus walau pun saya memang tak de income lain... macamana kami melakukannya hampir 2 tahun hanya Allah swt Maha Mengetahui...

cleo weiland said...

This weekend ada Karnival Kerjaya Graduan 2009 at PWTC, 15th to 17th. It would be a great chance for you to check out other companies and drop your resume. Also a great excuse to go back to KL :)

Also, try the Graduan website. It might be for fresh graduates but there's no harm trying. You can deposit your online resume too.

I'm helping out my younger sister Rahmah get an internship for December this year too, so I've been looking out I guess. Keep searching, don't give up!

PS: Mamadanial - By right you should sue that international school for not being an equal opportunity employer. And which international school is it? I may have to send my kids to one someday if I get posted overseas..nak blacklist awal2 haha!

Cikpid said...

dah byk org bagi, sy cume nk kata sabarlaa..mungkin blom rezeki..mana tau x lama ag dpt job baru doakan yg terbaik..

kakLuna said...

cuba try kat

jd pegawai tadbir kontrak..

6 bln dan probably boleh sambung..

try la..