booked ur luggage tags today
but 2 set for RM20, or buy 1 set for only RM11 (normal price RM18)
hurry up,today only!
custom-made luggage tags
promo dah habes dah la kawan-kawan :D
{KedaiChomel-Nursing Cover} {Chomel Clippies}
Controlling impulses and negative behaviour
Your child is slowly developing the ability to control his actions -- but at this age, he's still prone to a fair amount of pushing, shoving, yelling, and tantrums. You can't expect perfect behaviour from him all the time. Keep reminding him in positive ways that talking gets better results than physical action -- and make sure you praise him when he makes an effort to communicate with words.Making rules make sense
Helping your child understand the "why" of rules will make it easier for him to follow them. Explain that we do some things to stay safe -- such as holding hands while crossing the street and wearing shoes outside. Keep your rules reasonable, clear, and consistent, and be patient while he learns to follow them. Most children will need a lot of gentle reminders.
ini gambar pemandangan dari atas rumah saya
ini gambar saya amek dia caught in action using his dad camphone
sekarang ini selalu je suruh saya "ma peace ma!" , "ma senyum ma" dan "ok,lagi sekali"
yo yo oh je lah suruh mamanya berposing siap peace bagai.
dan sekarang suka bercerita,kalau disuruh bercerita ini ceritanya
"pada suatu hari,ada crocodile benang (berenang) , dia jumpa turtle...lepas tu jumpa jaws! jaws besarrr sangat! gigi banyak!! eii takut la ma! , lepastu habis!"
bedtime story version Ziyyad.
oh ye,cuti deepavali tu hari saya dan ipar duai bercuti ke bukit merah sewa homestay rm250 a night,tapi tu cerita lain kali (tupun kalau rajin..bahaha). kelengkapan semua best la.
ok,busy ni nak jahit lagi nak habiskan cat rumah lagi..duk rumah busy k,apa ingat duk umah belingkaq ataih katil saja ka?
p/s:see u whenever i want to see u..eheh kerek plak,baling kasut nak?