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18 December 2009

*tidak fokus membawa padah*

im lacking of discipline and energy and passion a the same time (thinking to take pati ayam brands la,to keep my energy level up)

i have heaps of NC to sew, but time will always,always envious of me

thank you to my lack of focus

i did this yesterday and sleep around 1am

kak lisha i hope its like the font u asked,i dont have a printer back home,so i just tiru it on paper, the letter S,O and K are a lil bit wonky (ok,semua adalah wonky,benci!)

so i skip the numbers later la.

i got my stash swap from Dura..

siap ada pins dan 2 buah pincushion

im terribly sorry to Naiz, i just send her a pincushion with nothing extra

im a bad stash swap partner

semua stashswapper(?) yg lain siap kasi rempah la,beg la..and i just give what tini the organizer asked

should not join any stash swap la like this,buat malu kompeni je

so there goes my friday holiday

wait! there is still time to make up

mandi (ye aku belum mandi so?) , solat dan start on NCs

berdisplin ayoh!

p/s:: happy hols everubody, salam maal hijrah..saya ingin berhijrah kepada org yg lebih berdisplin dan sayangkan masa :)

Chomel Nursing Cover

DSLR strap slipcover!RM15 only!


Farah . 5577 said...

salam maal hijrah!
aah, saya pun sama tak displin n fokus, suke sidetrack..

ps: care to exchange links?

TiniHani said...

alah erni...
ni kan first time buat swap... langkah pertama untuk segala-galanya... awak pon ikut je request.. yang lelain tu aje la bermurah hati... apa2 pon thanks ikut serta swap ni.... a :)

d u r a said...

alhamdulillah, epal & kucing diva selamat sampai ke penang :)