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09 November 2007


You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe

But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated
You're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys
Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites.
And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.

i dont drink much coffee because sometimes it taste not a coffee fan,im more a tea person..i like hot tea,teh tarik,teh ais

one of my favourite teh tarik is made by my own mom makes the perfect milk tea.

coffee nowadays are overrated (my two cents)..some people do drink their coffee at selected coffee shop,where they sell at much higher price,this is due they proclaim their coffee bean are from the best source in the world

do you know one thing...the best coffee bean is actually from a poo...a cat poo to be exact..u can try search it in Google...hahaha

for me coffee taste all the same..maybe because im not a coffee enthusiast

i once drink coffee from cffee shop such as Starbucks,coffee bean..the price is sooo overpriced..mahal! you have to pay RM8 for a cup...u can get 8 cups of coffee in mamak stall,or local kedai kopi..

from my humble opinion people who buy their coffee at such place whether their rich,or cant find any local kedai kopi,or the just wanna show off,or they just want people to see them that they are high class aka high maintanance...hahaha

lucky for me i dont drink coffee....that much

p/s::in terengganu they sell a cup of coffee for 60cents cheap

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