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08 October 2007

::he made me think::

do you ever watch Miami Ink..its on channel 707 now..(sapo punye pandai la bagi 3 digits ni..susah giler nak tekan2 remote)

i watch it with En.Suami..its kinda cool seeing lots of people who tatooed themselves because of they lost somebody meaningful in their lives..

i like Kat..she is a female tatoo artist, she like to tatooed potrait kind of tatoo..very intricate and i find it very amusing at times,how the details she manage to capture..

i ask my dear husband

"abang,kalau abang boleh tatoo lah akan,abang nak gambar apa?"

without second thought,quickly he said

"gambar sayang la.."

i was like..FUYoHHH!..kagum with En.Suami sampai sekarang..hahaha

pasal kalau saya dapat bertatoo saya nak gambar lil buterfly...hahaha..sungguh selfish saya ni

p/s::die tak selfish,tak pernah pun..saya terharu...he always made me think


Taichee~@! said...


bagus betul Anas tuh! tak sesia jadik adik ipo ku.

weh! aku tak pedulik tu, blog gampang tuh! gua tgh nak lawan dia balik lam my blog...minimalis yeh! nantik dia!

Miss BumbleBee said...

kak yan punya tattoo would be gambo mcm kat profile tuh kat shoulder, and a small bumblebee belakang tengkuk style beckham tuh.

nih yg nak beli chewinggum sekupang yg leh lekat 'tattoo' tuh yg selalu ada gambo ultraman..haha.


*peminat yoji harada*

Anasfadilah said...

kak yan:: saya peminat kat..hehehe