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10 February 2011

My lil photog

photog la sangat kan...hahaha

Ziyyad has been exposed into photography thanks to his umicik

saya akan simpan koleksi gambar ziyyad di tumblr saya,kerana setakat ini hasil seni Ziyyad ialah melalui petikan kamera handphone saya,babahnya atau pau lumix umicik lepastu umicik marah.hahahah...tak lah umicik tak marah,with supervison and guidance ziyyad tahu guna the camera.

this a picture taken by Ziyyad,there is umicik in the pic. The picture is not edited. Ada satu gambar umicik buat peace saya suka,tapi umicik nampak rambut plak,so takleh menayang kat sini.hahahha!

well,if u went to my tumblr boleh lihat hasil kerja Ziyyad bawah "taken by Ziyyad"

sometime if he doesn't have a real camera to play with,he asked us to posed and he imagine he has the camera and make a shutter sound,his shutter sound adalah sangat cute (eh eh puji anak sendiri,kalau tak saya puji sape lagi nak puji kan?kan?kan?) and after taking our picture he quickly show us the picture.hahahah!


ShilaShower said...

awat gebus sangat ni aihhhh.

SurayaHarris said...

Awwwww...ziyyad..aunty bangga dgn kamu..nnt jd photog aunty pula yer(guna hp canggih mama kamu) hihi

Qastalani® said...

comel nyee dia pakai topi gitu!

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