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23 August 2008


ada orang tu kan,dia kan beli cicak tau...dia tak bagitau pun kat saya...oooooo..

ok..takpe...saya tak kisah..saya pun nak beli satu benda juge...boleh ke dapat ek?

the MSI wind netbook..10 inci screen dia..rege less then RM1000 (rasenye..p low yatt or imbi..)...hehhe..ada kaler in white,black and pink...hhoho...

tak pun EEE PC from ASUS

kecik sket dari wind...8.9 inch screen..

(tak sepadan compare cicak and netbook kan...tapi...tak kisah la...hehehhe...cicak gecko tau...bukan cicak rumah tu)

p/s::wishing upon the star


Mommy Lyna said...

warghh nak pc baru!!!!

Puteri Satu said...

salam kenal dari akak n family....

eiNa said...

berapekah harganyerr... nampak sangat cantikk...

Unknown said...

penah nmpak sorang sister pakai MSI kaler pink kat cafe.chantek!!!