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17 September 2007

::maternity fashion faux pass::


for most pregnant Malaysian woman,they tend to wear this long gown with tali to tie at the back.
And the length of the gown will hanging at the ankle

often this long gown accentuate the bottom and the bossom.

we know,pregnant woman WILL have extra large bosom when they get pregnant,and wearing that gown will make ur bottom bigger than africa and ur bosom...only god knows....hahaha


maybe they wear it because it comfortable and airy

why not wearing jubah instead...they are more fashionable than that fugly gown..who invented it anyway...

well,maybe in Penang the people are a bit unconscious about maternity fashion update..not like in KL, wear there's plenty of shops selling up to date maternity wear such as modern mum to name a few..well its sure am comfortable..

but i will wear jubah..its easier and cheaper,and i have few of them already...hahaha

well,wear what u not a fashion police anyway...

p/s::hopefully im not wearing one of those gown.. :P


kung tau said...

Hahaha..dilot, kak arin can't imagine u wearing that pregnant's just not u!..betul tuh..wear whatever that u like and feel comfortable with..waktu pregnantkan hanum..pakaian yg paling selesa pakai kat umah ialah kain batik..heheheh..!!Have a look at Hanum's 1st pre bday bash @ my blog and fotopages...

Arin said...

alamak post kat atas tuh terguna laki ku nye id..hehe..

Taichee~@! said...

Oh God NO!!

Arin betul tuh if Dilot yg pakai...itu BUKAN DIlot! Itu ialah...JENGLOT!!

elok le pakai jubah...
baju kat KL pun sumer seksi meksi..
kasik ketat kat perut tu..lagi lawaks..

take care! Makan tok cacang, kay!