kak weween order a memory game consist of a lion,hose,dinosaur and a cat for he son Ezkl :)
i made the memory game, this time bigger than the previous one i made for Ziyyad
this time around i made it 5x5 inches..senang nak pegang :)
and i put some ring to hold em together,so lepas main boleh simpan sekali harung,tak lah satu bawah meja,satu bawah katil,satu dalam bonnet kereta mainan (this happen ,trust me..)
hari tu bawa Ziyyad gi klinik kesihatan sg ara untuk monthly cek up nya,baru saya tersedar yang Ziyyad masih tak kenal warna lagi
so i made this memory game cum memory card for Ziyyad to play and learn about colors
i hope this time around Ziyyad lepas main tak letak one of the square atas kepala and try to balance it like before..ade je idea dia..tapi kids will be kids.. -_-"
meoww meowww mau makan blue fish :)
ada lagi satu set saya nak siapkan,ingat nak jual,ada farm animal untuk set tu.. :)
p/s:: sapa2 rasa macam berminat nak order boleh email saya di stashowale@hotmail.com
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syida:RM30 :)
saya nakkkkk....nti saya email k
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