korang suka facebooking..nampak status best je korang mesti nak tekan button LIKE je kan?
macam mana plak kalau blog post?korang nak LIKE tapi takde button LIKE,so how leh?
ok,saya dah jumpa macam mana nak buat,di SINI
after several tries and error akhirnya this site juga yg bagus
just go to this LINK
follow the step given and u are good to go :)
p/s: backup ur template or else don't cry if anything happen :P

thx sgt2...boleh wat dah.. =)
aku pon teringin buat, tapi aku macam malas. Tapi di manakah Like link ituuuu.. aku tak jumpa pon.
dils:: i had to remove mine,as it not work properly,link yg lask i gave to boleh try
bard:glad to hear :D
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