Meet the Rara's
they are tiny rabbits live in my drawer
they live this messy drawer
PaRa works as an IT enginner. His hobbies including collecting stamps and exsotic pets
MaRa work as a cleaner,dont ask me how they both met :P. MaRa loves shopping for baby cloth
this is Rara,he is the baby of the family. When PaRa and MaRa goes to work, Emak Kumbang will babysit Rara. Rara love to play with Kumkum the baby bug
one day,they found a yummy donut coated with sugar and sprinkles outside their den...
and a mug of steaming hot coffee to go with

so they eat the delicious donut and drink the good smelling coffee..
the End...

so they eat the delicious donut and drink the good smelling coffee..
the End...
sorry la the Rara tak pakai baju,tuan depa tak jahit lagi...hahaha
sekarang ini saya ada obsession baru iaitu felt Food! the donut and the coffee are made of felt...
i will make more felt food coming soon...cuppies ada,strawberry ada...wah!
saya rasa akan buat fridge magnet la donut felt food fridge magnet!sape2 nak beli??
p/s::my story telling s*cks...hahah..
saya mahu beli fridge magnet!!! sila buattt!! :D
sedap nampak felt donut tu.. ingatkan real.. hampir tertipu makcik..ka..ka..ka
sedapnya donut tu...hikss...lepas makan leh letak kat baju manik donut tuh..hahahaha
ska ::pelanggan pertama...tunggu my next felt food...cuppies...hehehe
lilmama::nampak real kan...heheh..kalau tengok ada yang buat kek...serius nampak sedap!
elissimie::2 in 1..hahah
tak pon kan dila, buat as pin baju. pastu tak nak beli, kamu bagi free je la. adik badik kan? hahahaha
orang ade pin Rappaport, seekor burung hantu, tampal kat beg. kiut oh!
tira::adik badek la up sikit kasik la barang buatan dila...haha
ha sbg 1st customer, mesti ade diskaun kan? *wink*
nk bg suggestion jugak. buat as brooch!! :D
buat as broochie is pretty nice. wat satu dlm bentuk sheep bole? haha..
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