aku tak suka rumah ada lipas,semut,tikus apantah lagi anai-anai. benci betul bila nak pegi dapur tiba-tiba ada lipas terbang,bongok! punya lipas. (eh,lipas pula yang dipersalahkan?)
kalau tengah melepas dalam toilet tiba-tiba lipas merayap,boleh putus nafsu nak membuang (once i ran out of the bathroom while easing myself at granny's pasal ada labah-labah besar pinggan..rumah nenek dulu kat hutan kan,so mcm mana?hahahah)
tapi rumah saya takde semua tu,kenapa?
pasal saya panggil pest control!
for those who live in Penang or Kedah,yang rumah ada pest sepertimana yang saya sebut di atas,don't hesitate to call En.Anas at 017-455 4158 or 04-642 7221 (Global Pest and Hygiene)

they have more than 10 years of experiences handling pest.Not only that they also experience in handling
- Fumigation Treatment
- Pre-construction soil treatment
- Pest Construction Corrective Soil treatment
- all related anti termites treatment
- Supplier for washroom product and hygiene services
sebut je anasfadilah,mesti dapat harga best punye. (pandai-pandai je aku...hahaha)
p/s:ni iklan tolong suami namanya lol! :)
wah wah. Kalo di KL aku amik. Sebab aku nye pest control company sucks. Upah die for 2 treatment and they gave another 1 treatment free for checking if its correct. Sakit nyawa la org tu nak datang untuk complimentary service tu.
So now looking for another pest control yang got better service.
be careful tau,certain pest control companies,kasi harga mahal,tapi the solution chemical they give (ratio) tak betul ie tipu pelanggan,in the end pest tak mati,asek kena tepon byk kali.
bukak lah cawangan KL nanti yea...
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