i am one of ur store fan,really love ur store here in Malaysia.
but i have a problem,the only Ikea store in Malaysia is in Kuala Lumpur,the heart of Malaysia.I live in Penang (329 kilometres away from Kuala Lumpur). I just wish u can open another store up north that is in Penang,not in Kedah like ur previous store,that have been shut down due to not many customers coming in. (at that time,the location u choose still not yet develop,now it is in full gear in housing project,shopping malls and it is quite a hubbub town if u asked me)
i am lucky because my mom stays in Kuala Lumpur,so everytime i went to my mother's place,surely i will drop by to your store at any chance.
i love all the innovative products in your store,i love the concept and of course i love the price. :)
so i have some suggestion on where u can built another store here in Penang,Malaysia:

1. due to economic downturn early last year,there is a lot of abandon factories here in Penang. So maybe,just maybe u can open another ikea store. It is near to the airport,which is convenience for cargo and consignment.
2. or u can built another store at Seberang Jaya (one of the district in Penang,which is in the mainland) ,the land overthere is a bit cheaper compared to the island (if the cost bothers you,because i know price is everything at ikea,so u can sell ur product at a cheaper price)..there is still plenty of land there. Ask ur scout agent here in Malaysia to find a land at Seberang Jaya,sure they will find one that suitable for u ( just be careful not to get cheated by some bogus Dato' ( a state title given only by our ruler or governor) )
so there are some my pointers and i hope it is helpful.
thank you for your time reading this
your number 1 ikea fan in Malaysia
p/s: aku harap takde sape kisah ngan typo dan grammatical error di atas.hahaha..eh agak-agak dia baca tak..harapan!!
akak, pembetulan,north..bukan south...nnt saya retweet artikel ni(walopon xde follower y akan retweet)
erni.....email ja truih ke boss depa....cer gugel ada ka dak email add kt ikea website nun....(xtau la idea ni bernas ka dak sbb 3-4 tawon lg saya pun nk blk dok sana....bulih pi bersipongan sakan....hehehe..)
yuu:dah di betulkan,thanks.tadi macam konpius north ke south,hentam je lah.hahaha
cheyahcomei:email terus ye..saya takut la..hahaha
bukan dulu penah ade kat bukit mertajam?
Buat kat north and south, so kurang congested sikit IKEA tu sebab sume pelosok Malaysia kenkadang masuk aku rase. Huhuhu
dils:kat sg petani,tapi tutup,sekarang ni tak silap dah jadi bangunan tesco. seluruh pelusuk malaysia,termausk aku dari penang..hahahaha!
laa..email teruih la kat management dia..nak takut apa? ada alasan kukuh tu..
ya Allah dila! mesti ibu saya sokong gila2 punya nih! dah la tapak cadangan dekat dgn rumah. hohoh
saya setuju...
huhu..teringin jugak nak beli brg ikea..awat la tak bukak kat johor..JB ok ape..bndr besar gak..confirm ramai dtg!
any extra voucher pls pls pretty pls dont forget about me@!~
saya setuju!! saya kat perlis. lagi jauh nak gi kl nun..
Saya sgt setuju! cuba la hantar mail ni.mana tau cadangan di terima...
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