D.O.B :: 28th July 2008 /1.5 tahun/Male/Penang
Q : What is the meaning of your baby’s name?
A :: kalau ikutkan maksud dari segi di translate secara terus ialah Kemualiaan yang Bertambah. tapi Ziyyad ni juga antara nama sahabat Rasullah..
A :: kalau ikutkan maksud dari segi di translate secara terus ialah Kemualiaan yang Bertambah. tapi Ziyyad ni juga antara nama sahabat Rasullah..
Q : What is ONE of the most memorable moment about your baby since she/he was born until now?
A :: ok only ONE,this is tough..memorable moment ye..emmm..moment semasa saya dan Ziyyad bermain hide seek di balik sofa..his smile,his cheekiness,his everything..the way he giggles bring me from the lowest point in life to the top of the world..the way he peek thru his fingers to make sure i cant find him..the way he run to back of the sofas,the way he jump in delight when he finally find me..ahhh..moment beb..moment.... <---cakap macam style org lalok jek..hahah
Mombloggersplanet is a good place for mom to meet up in the cyber world, blogger mums that is
macam cliche je bunyi ini tapi ye, dapat bertukar pandangan dan pendapat,dapat berkongsi rasa yang sama
iaitu rasa keibuan :)
p/s::one of my fav pictures,taken from my FB photo album :)
good luck dear!
cute nyer ziyyad smile :)
alahai cutenya ziyyad.. :)
cantik tersusun gigi ziyyad..gud lak k!
farah::gigi dia yang paling saya jaga,akmau dapat gigi macam mama dia..heheh
to all::tima kasih :)Alhamdulillah.
saya menang moto <--- takde kena mengena
salam kenal..
Tahniah berjaya completekan challenge ni..
okeh...entri sudah di review!!
udah boleh remove the sticky-ness oledi lor..ha..ha ;)
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