Im tired n im drained tis is exhausting, i can cope wit tis anymore
I just want to stop
I want to end tis
As i lift the scissor to cut all the beautiful fabric in front of me
I brokedown n cry my eyes out
Tis is hard
In my cry i pray
Ya Allah,give me strength to do tis,as i cant do tis alone
P/s:No,i didnt hope u guys 2 undrstnd.i just want to pour my heart content..
sabar ye... kuatkan semangat yer... relaks la dulu 2 3 hari...
dila..tgk at the bright side..alhamdulillah ni mesti byk tempahan..murah rezeki :D
sorry dila. adakah awak hendak berhenti dr menjahit?
cuba break kejap seminggu dua ke.. jgn paksa diri sbb bila kita buat sesuatu tu tak ikhlas, nanti hasil nye pon jd x memuaskan...
be strong okay! jgn paksa diri...
dila..penat ker.. meh aa i tolong. umah i ade mesin jahit. cume tak reti jahit jerk.. huhuh
huu...nape plak ni dilla...???
semangat sket...
tarik napas dlm2 pastu pls pelan2..sabar ye dila :)
Dilla breath in breath out .
Sabar , jgn nangis.
Kalau dila nangis ,
Saya ikut nangis jugak .
i rasa u take a break sekejap pun ok. then once u dah penat take a break, u sure geram rasa nak menjahit2...
take a break pn dilla....bila rindu menjahit baru mula balik....just take a break...
sy sokong ngan semua org..u should take a break as long as u want..then when u are ready, continue...
this is your passion right??u just love to do it..but u are tired..
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