Izzul Ziyyad bin Anas
28th July 2008
28th July 2008

i always love Ziyyad's laughter and seeing he laugh made all my worries disappear, kapoof just like that
in fact i love everything about him

my baby look adorable and cute in red isn't he?
and he should win the cutest baby in red contest, a contest by Mombloggersplanet (one of my favourite blog site )
the prizes are what i always wanted
a Photobook for Ziyyad's first years
a year that i always want to remember all my life
there are tonnes of Ziyyad's pictures in my hard drive,it would be great if i win the photobook
the best part is,Photobook let u design ur own photobook,put some caption and nice cute background
send them in by snail mail or email,wait for several days..and voila
Ur photobook at ur doorstep :)
not to forget the other prizes
it is from Alicewonders, my favourite online bag shop
i always love their laptop bags,its lovely and fuctional as well
read about flower power laptop bag here
and need i say more about Alicewonders?
maybe this time i could win one..who knows :)
and i found this picture while browsing thru my hard drive
and looking back at this picture, i wish time would stop
tak puas lagi nak gomol,peluk,cium dia puas-puas ;)
and next month Ziyyad will be one!
besar dah anak saya ni~~
p/s:: bila la nak menang ni ek Ziyyad?
hehehhe..harap2 menang sbb ziyyad ni ensem..mata die tu lawa..sbb bolat n bulu mata lentik..uhu...
chaiyok2 ziyyad!!!!
good luck ziyyad. Airyll doakan ziyyad menang... hehe
mungkin dh tiba masa utk buat adik ziyyad pulak :)
Kita mesti rindu nak pelok tubuh kecik.. tau tau je dah besar. TAK PUAS!!!!!!!!
Ni anis.. nak masuk 6.. aku sedeh laa aku tak puas ngn dia. Aku sedehhhhh!!
gud luck ziyyad.. comey la bujang sorg ni.. muke mcm mixed la.. hehe..
Cikpid:: mata saya lun tak lentik itu macam..mungkin masa mengandund selalu tengok Kajol kot..wahaha!
kak elyn:: thank u :)
Azza:: hang tak join ka?heheh..azza join contest last minit..pehtu mesti menang punye..ilmu apa pakai?share la sama
kak oren:: ya betul!saya nak baby lagi..lalalal
jiji:: tak puas ji,nak gomol dia segala,geram..kenapa harus tumbuh dengan segera
SyahNur::dia mixed mama and babah dia..hehehe :P
good luck!!
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