Let eat cakes everybody. Guest, u r also welcome to be merry and makan kek wit tea with me..here is my peace offering to u.
oklah,semalam saya ada buat satu benda lagi iaitu felt tissue case
the cake and felt tissue cases are for sale
1 piece of cake = RM 10 (including postage)
1:: strawberry cake
2::coffee cake
3::chocolate cake
4:: blueberry cake
5::pandan cake
1 felt tissu case = RM 10 (including postage)4:: blueberry cake
5::pandan cake
email me at stashowale at hotmail dot com for ordering.
Dila, itu kek olok2, kan? Sorry, blur2 lagi sebab saya baru masuk sini, pasti tak pasti...
So, apa fungsinya? Menarik-tertarik? :>
sy sgt geram kerna comel sgt!!!
sila cek email anda! :D
Hanz::kek olok-olok..heheh..suke la term olok-olok tu :) it a fridge magnet.nice to see once eaten,confirm tercekik.. :P cadangan hiasan saja.
sungguh re-al!
kek ja ka?donut tadak? :P
nak beli 2..postage included tp kalo dua pc bape rega dier?
Eliss:: beli 2 postage tetap satu saje harga dia,sekali harung hantar,lagi jimat. email saya ye
wahaha.. patutla post box ku xdi kunjungiposmen 2-3 hari ni...
xpe je... saye pon tengah bz menyiapkan thesis nak submit esok ni.. xsempat nak tengok post box kat bawah tu...
haih... penat rupenye sambung blaja ni... ;(
hai erni... aku dah pandai..
assalamualaikum Dila..saya baru pagi ni membaca blog Dila...best sgt tgk cake fridge magnet tu. Nak order 2 boleh - mamasyaza
mamasyaza:: boleh,mamasyaza boleh email saya..tinggal 2 kek and satu donut
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