perjalan awal pagi..kami pegi hantar Achu Fiqah to her school in TTDI,lepas tu hantar mama Long pi KLIA..mama long balik kuching..lepas tu pegi breakfast kat RnR Jejantas Sg.Buloh..yay! (although jalan2 macam itu aje...buat saya rasa lega...dapat tengok matahari...seronok rasanye!)

Ziyyad dalam baby changing room...1st time saya and Ziyyad ghak sat..tak pernah masuk la katakan...hehehe

Ziyyad naik keta baru atuk nye...yay! (saya pun yay! jugek...LOL!)
minggu ni En.Suami tak dapat balik KL (again...sight..) tapi minggu depan,InsyaAllah dia kan berada di KL lama sikit..nak puasa sama2 ngan kami di KL..Yippie!tak sabar k..
p/s::mother to the child je boleh pimping the baby ye Uncle Effs...hahaha!
nak curik n pimp gambo ziyyad...byk aksi aksi topi kiut dia la.
hahaha..tak kira mama long nak jugekk..
uhuhuh dah windu kat ziyyad ler :(
sangat chomelll!!!
tahniah, tahniah!! XD
mama long? de heck
then i want to be uncle clown
Ooooh little baby's day out eh? :) Suka tengok mata baby..they always have something to stare at kan. Makes you wonder what they see! And that thing they do when they laugh in the middle of their cute!
waaah.. interesting! pandainye mama ziyyad jahit snowcap tu.... ;)
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