After my name has been called,i was like an eager beaver,barely cant wait for Dr.Arbaie to put the sonogram thingy on my now protruding belly..
And there (s)he is...i can see the head,hand and feet and also the back bone (dalam minggu ni,all u can see from the scan is mostly bones)...kedudukan si chomel seolah-olah sedang bersujud dalam womb saya (Allah Huakbar,SubhanAllah)...saya kagum..hampir menangis tapi saya cover dengan tergelak kecil...Dr.Arbaie tried to scan again...and suddenly si chomel bergerak!saya tergelak lagi...Dr.Arbaie said,my bladder is empty,and so i cant get a clear picture of si Chomel (dangg!i went to pee before went to the clinic and forget to drink plenty of water..what a waste!!)
oh well..rugi pada En.Suami dia tak masuk dalam sekali jumpa Dr.Arbaie..kaki dia sakit...kesian kat si chomel SR. Jadi kali ni tade printed scan baby picture..(what a WASTEEE!!)..tapi takpe...semoga si chomel JR sihat selalu..bunda doakan kamu ye si chomel.
p/s::sapa2 nak p scan baby perlu ada full bladder k..supaya baby nampak jelas dalam scan.
halo senior mommy to be...... salam kenal....
wah teruja plak i nk pi check up this saturday.... betul ker kene full bladder tuk tgk baby jelas??? thanks ek for the info.....
senior?hehehe...a week older je dari u...
kalau dah pee...kena isi semula dgn air..kalau tak pic. tak jelas..
most welcome! :) that my bakal anak sedare? Wahahahaha~@! Chumelll....
Tapi tatau ke gender dia? Adess..
kak naz...the picture saya curik from somebody else...tapi suppose (s)he look like that la..InsyaAllah..
gender tak boleh tahu lagi,pasal pakai scan biasa tak boleh tahu...tunggu 6 mnth baru tahu
ada scan 3D baru boleh tahu..*sigh*
pray for us k..
tengok pun tahu tu bukan baby kamu. pasal mak dia comel dan bayi diatas tidak comel
yang benar. Pakcik yang kacak!
thats just a foetus ler
haruslah tak chumel lagi cam dila..
nak tunggu chumel cam dila kena tunggu another 5 months daaaa, god's willing.
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