i want my blog are fun to read,so i add some emoticons (emotion icons)..at first i try using the normal html,but it doesnt fit nicely to my page...so,after doing some googling, i found a site,on how to install ur own emoticons on u toolbar for blogspot..but u have to use Firefox as ur browser,and u need to add on greesemonkey to enable u to add on some friendly scripts (at first i dont know what is scripts,but the computer does the installing for u,so no need to worry about it..)..want to know how to install this cool emoticons click HERE!...its really easy...as i am also a blind in HTML and CSS..but luckily i know a bit of HTML...so it made it a lot easier..(lagipun ada abg effi,so saya boleh minta tolong die...
i onced used IE7 and opera for my web browser,but at the end i choose firefox,because of they are much faster..so my blog is best viewed using Firefox.
this is SOME my emoticons
the bunny and pucca thingy are cute but its too big,but u can resize,its simple..
p/s::saya belajar menggunakan bahan dari internet saje...terer jugak kan?
byknyer entry satu hari..hehehe seronok baca celoteh ibu mengandung ni..
Your blog is viewed just fine in the Opera browser too! :)
Opera Software
along::keje ada,tapi bos kasi rehat la along...hahaha...tu yg menulis je ni...haha
daniel::wll...ok. ;)
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