hahaha...saya bukanlah shopoholic...walaupun saya membaca buku dari sophie kinsella..pernah suatu ketika, saya ada duit lebih...En.Suami tanya apa nak buat dengan duit itu?
dengan spontan saya jawab,
"Jom Shopping!!"
En.Suami terkejut..dia kata "aik,tak pernah2 pun nak shopping..."
saya cakap..
"nasib baik lah isteri abang ni comel dan baik...kalau kaki shopping alamat makan megi je la kita...hahahaha"
ayat comel itu perlu ada untuk memperindahkan bahasa
saya hanya shopping groceries je..beli di giant..lebih nilai (lagipun 5 minutes away from home je...hahhaha)
jika saya ada duit lebih ini yang saya buat
1.belanja En.Suami makan
2.tengok wayang dengan En.Suami
3.makan eskrem baskin robin dengan En.Suami
4.beli buku untuk diri sendiri!hahaha..saya boleh duduk di borders itu berjam-jam lamanya untuk memilih buku chic lit saja...hohohoho..tapi saya rasa nak pegi area chowrasta je,bukunya murah..saya boleh beli berkoyan-koyan buku!yey!
5...........simpan sikit...hehehe
p/s::biar la sikit manapun,berkongsi tu kan berkat...
Search This Blog
29 November 2007
semalam kan saya kan tido kan sangat awal tau..saya kan tido kan pukul 8pm..lepas maghrib ngan En.Suami saya terus tido..ingat nak tido sekejap je sementara tunggu insya'...tapi saya terusss la tido sampai la subuh!hohoho...
saya dah cadang dgn En.Suami untuk pergi mengisi minyak kereta dan membeli air di mesin air kat kedai bawah..tapi saya dah tertidor..Saya bangun waktu subuh..lepas mandi,subuh (dan ganti isya' semlam...hehehehe) saya masak sarapan hehehe..hari ni masak ala barat...masak sosej ayam with cheese (halal cop jakim tau!)..jejari ketam dan mash boiled egg with mayo!hahhaha sedap sangat!!
saya gosok sleuar keje En.Suami dan baju kerje saya...lepas bgnkan En.Suami saya terus pergi keje...tapi saya terperanjat sangat!!ada orang tinggal kan nota2 cinta kat dashboard kereta saya...hahahaha! En.Suami tulis nota cinta yang comel untuk saya..hehehe...wah!hari ni saya pergi keje dengan hati2 yang bunga2 gitu..hehehe...(nasib tak langgar indon 2 org tepi jalan,kerana saya terlalu gembira untuk mengendahkan mereka ini...hahaha)

(nota2 cinta saya..janganlah jeles..wek!wek!)
dan,yang paling best sekali...minyak kereta saya sudah di isi oleh En.Suami!yehoo!full tank!! terima kasih ye...malam ni saya belanja tgk wayang!hehehe
p/s::tak perlu hadiah yang mahal2 untuk yang tersayang,yang penting dtg dari hati yang ikhlas
saya dah cadang dgn En.Suami untuk pergi mengisi minyak kereta dan membeli air di mesin air kat kedai bawah..tapi saya dah tertidor..Saya bangun waktu subuh..lepas mandi,subuh (dan ganti isya' semlam...hehehehe) saya masak sarapan hehehe..hari ni masak ala barat...masak sosej ayam with cheese (halal cop jakim tau!)..jejari ketam dan mash boiled egg with mayo!hahhaha sedap sangat!!
saya gosok sleuar keje En.Suami dan baju kerje saya...lepas bgnkan En.Suami saya terus pergi keje...tapi saya terperanjat sangat!!ada orang tinggal kan nota2 cinta kat dashboard kereta saya...hahahaha! En.Suami tulis nota cinta yang comel untuk saya..hehehe...wah!hari ni saya pergi keje dengan hati2 yang bunga2 gitu..hehehe...(nasib tak langgar indon 2 org tepi jalan,kerana saya terlalu gembira untuk mengendahkan mereka ini...hahaha)
(nota2 cinta saya..janganlah jeles..wek!wek!)
dan,yang paling best sekali...minyak kereta saya sudah di isi oleh En.Suami!yehoo!full tank!! terima kasih ye...malam ni saya belanja tgk wayang!hehehe
p/s::tak perlu hadiah yang mahal2 untuk yang tersayang,yang penting dtg dari hati yang ikhlas
28 November 2007
::saya yg rajin banget::
ok, saya tahu tajuk di atas adalah tajuk 'masuk bakul sendiri angkat'..tapi ini adalah hakikat dan kenyataan...hahahaha...terimlah dengan sabar ye...hohoho
sejak dua menjak ni saya suka bangun awal..seawal orang belum azan subuh sekitar 5.45am..saya selalu bgn 6.30 am je..kerana opis dan umah takde la jauh mana pun,dalam 15minit dah sampai...oleh kerana mata saya otomatik bukan awal-awal pagi..saya telah merajinkan diri untuk memasak breakfast..macam2 saya masak..hari ni saya masak mee hoon goreng pedas and also sosej ayam yang ada cop halal disahkan jakim...hhahaha
memang bagus bangun pagi-pagi ni..cergas je pegi keje pun (baru tahu ke dik oii!hahaha)..petang2 juga saya memasak...balik keje,saya mandi,solat asar,saya terus pegi dapur...macam semalam saya masak sup ayam and ayam goreng...oleh kerana saya dan En.Suami je nak makan..lauk tu tak la banyak mana pun...cukup sekadar untuk berdua je.
dan sejak kebelakangan ini saya suka makan!hahaah.saya boleh habiskan nasi ayam yang dulunya saya susah nak habiskan..sekarang ni lepas makan nasi,nak makan buah plak..pastu minum susu coklat lagi...dan saya mengaku saya sudah gemuk...hahaha(kenalah diet nampaknye....)
apa2 pun saya makan healthy food saja,junk food tade...cume saya suka makan coklat m&m kegemaran saya....melt in your mouth not in your hand!
p/s::ptg ni saya masak sambal bilis je...hehehe
sejak dua menjak ni saya suka bangun awal..seawal orang belum azan subuh sekitar 5.45am..saya selalu bgn 6.30 am je..kerana opis dan umah takde la jauh mana pun,dalam 15minit dah sampai...oleh kerana mata saya otomatik bukan awal-awal pagi..saya telah merajinkan diri untuk memasak breakfast..macam2 saya masak..hari ni saya masak mee hoon goreng pedas and also sosej ayam yang ada cop halal disahkan jakim...hhahaha
memang bagus bangun pagi-pagi ni..cergas je pegi keje pun (baru tahu ke dik oii!hahaha)..petang2 juga saya memasak...balik keje,saya mandi,solat asar,saya terus pegi dapur...macam semalam saya masak sup ayam and ayam goreng...oleh kerana saya dan En.Suami je nak makan..lauk tu tak la banyak mana pun...cukup sekadar untuk berdua je.
dan sejak kebelakangan ini saya suka makan!hahaah.saya boleh habiskan nasi ayam yang dulunya saya susah nak habiskan..sekarang ni lepas makan nasi,nak makan buah plak..pastu minum susu coklat lagi...dan saya mengaku saya sudah gemuk...hahaha(kenalah diet nampaknye....)
apa2 pun saya makan healthy food saja,junk food tade...cume saya suka makan coklat m&m kegemaran saya....melt in your mouth not in your hand!
p/s::ptg ni saya masak sambal bilis je...hehehe
u oh! ive been tagged by kak arin.. hehehe
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night.
2. What were you doing at 0800?
::watching balcksheep with En.Suami..it suppose to be a horror movie,insted we laugh at the GMO sheep..kelakar gila
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
::reading back my chick lit book
4. What happened to you in 2006?
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
::ee..geram nye laptop ni lembab betul..eeee
6. How many beverages did you have today?
::dua je..milo ais dengan susu
7. What color is your hairbrush?
::emm tortoise shell
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
::rm1.50 for my milo ice
9. Where were you last night?
::kat rumah lalalala
10. What color is your front door?
::kaler kuning air
11. Where do you keep your change?
::just about everywhere...hahahaha
12. What’s the weather like today?
::sunny,windy....nyaman sekali
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
::gold medal ribbon obviously
14. What excites you?
::aha!good question...hahahaha..rahsia la
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
::yes,by a trained hair stylist
16. Are you over the age of 25?
::next year,Insyaallah
17. Do you talk a lot?
only to the people i know quite well
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
::nak tengok,tapi dah tengah-tengah siri,malas la nak layan
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
stepehn spielberg tahu la..
20. Do you make up your own words?
21. Are you a jealous person?
::bigtime..nenek tua pun aku jeles hahahaha...bodohla!
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.
::Anas??hehehe...kawan ke?hehehehoohoh
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
::kambing...hahhahaahohoho ROTFL
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
25. What does the last text message you received say?
26. Do you chew on your straw?
::yes..its chewy
27. Do you have curly hair?
::a bit wavy maybe
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
::driver who throw rubbish while driving through their window,HATE u!!
30. What was the last thing you ate?
::mee hoon goreng
31. Will you get married in the future?
::dah kawen pon!yeay!!
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
::Emm..beowulf...nak tgk angelina jolie je..hohohhehehe
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
::emm like tade..love ade
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
::pagi tadi before pegi keje
35. Are you currently depressed?
36. Did you cry today?
37. Why did you answer and post this?
::to celebrate my 100th post in blogspot!yeay!
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
::i wont go tag la..as not so many people would have extra time like i have...hahahaha
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night.
2. What were you doing at 0800?
::watching balcksheep with En.Suami..it suppose to be a horror movie,insted we laugh at the GMO sheep..kelakar gila
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
::reading back my chick lit book
4. What happened to you in 2006?
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
::ee..geram nye laptop ni lembab betul..eeee
6. How many beverages did you have today?
::dua je..milo ais dengan susu
7. What color is your hairbrush?
::emm tortoise shell
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
::rm1.50 for my milo ice
9. Where were you last night?
::kat rumah lalalala
10. What color is your front door?
::kaler kuning air
11. Where do you keep your change?
::just about everywhere...hahahaha
12. What’s the weather like today?
::sunny,windy....nyaman sekali
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
::gold medal ribbon obviously
14. What excites you?
::aha!good question...hahahaha..rahsia la
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
::yes,by a trained hair stylist
16. Are you over the age of 25?
::next year,Insyaallah
17. Do you talk a lot?
only to the people i know quite well
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
::nak tengok,tapi dah tengah-tengah siri,malas la nak layan
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
stepehn spielberg tahu la..
20. Do you make up your own words?
21. Are you a jealous person?
::bigtime..nenek tua pun aku jeles hahahaha...bodohla!
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.
::Anas??hehehe...kawan ke?hehehehoohoh
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
::kambing...hahhahaahohoho ROTFL
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
25. What does the last text message you received say?
26. Do you chew on your straw?
::yes..its chewy
27. Do you have curly hair?
::a bit wavy maybe
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
::driver who throw rubbish while driving through their window,HATE u!!
30. What was the last thing you ate?
::mee hoon goreng
31. Will you get married in the future?
::dah kawen pon!yeay!!
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
::Emm..beowulf...nak tgk angelina jolie je..hohohhehehe
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
::emm like tade..love ade
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
::pagi tadi before pegi keje
35. Are you currently depressed?
36. Did you cry today?
37. Why did you answer and post this?
::to celebrate my 100th post in blogspot!yeay!
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
::i wont go tag la..as not so many people would have extra time like i have...hahahaha
27 November 2007
hari ahad pagi,minggu lepas...pagi2 lagi mama dah msg saya
"tgk TV3 sekarang"
macam tulah bunyi nye sms mama,saya ingat ada keluar berita ke apa ke,rupa-rupanya mama suruh saya tengok motivasi pagi,saya tak ingat apa nama ustadz tu
ustadz tu cerita pasal tanggungjawab suami isteri..kalau masing masing tahu taggungjawab masing2, soal hak tak akan terbangkit..
saya beruntung juge kiranya,suami saya rajin tolong saya memasak,kadang2 dia masak saya sidai kain,kalau saya masak dia sidai kain..kadang2 suami saya yang kemas rumah,dia mop lantai,vacuum..saya pulak cuci tandas..suami saya juge suka bertukang,jadi senang la saya bila ada paip leaking,dia saja yang repair..rak para untuk sabun dia juga yang pasang..saya bersyukur..dapat asben yang rajin membantu saya..hehehe..
hidup kita ni macam satu persembahan tarian,sudah di atur mana letaknya,salah sikit langkah,canggung semua jalan cerita..jadi setiap langkah yang kita ambil kena selalu berhati-hati..siapa nak persembahan canggung..tentulah tak seronok bila tengok kan?
betul lah orang cakap,masa bercinta tu lain,dah kahwin lain...married is a life long lesson, setiap hari kita belajar benda baru dengan pasangan kita..
enjoy every moment of it..kita hidup kat dunia tak lama kan?
"tgk TV3 sekarang"
macam tulah bunyi nye sms mama,saya ingat ada keluar berita ke apa ke,rupa-rupanya mama suruh saya tengok motivasi pagi,saya tak ingat apa nama ustadz tu
ustadz tu cerita pasal tanggungjawab suami isteri..kalau masing masing tahu taggungjawab masing2, soal hak tak akan terbangkit..
saya beruntung juge kiranya,suami saya rajin tolong saya memasak,kadang2 dia masak saya sidai kain,kalau saya masak dia sidai kain..kadang2 suami saya yang kemas rumah,dia mop lantai,vacuum..saya pulak cuci tandas..suami saya juge suka bertukang,jadi senang la saya bila ada paip leaking,dia saja yang repair..rak para untuk sabun dia juga yang pasang..saya bersyukur..dapat asben yang rajin membantu saya..hehehe..
hidup kita ni macam satu persembahan tarian,sudah di atur mana letaknya,salah sikit langkah,canggung semua jalan cerita..jadi setiap langkah yang kita ambil kena selalu berhati-hati..siapa nak persembahan canggung..tentulah tak seronok bila tengok kan?
betul lah orang cakap,masa bercinta tu lain,dah kahwin lain...married is a life long lesson, setiap hari kita belajar benda baru dengan pasangan kita..
enjoy every moment of it..kita hidup kat dunia tak lama kan?
23 November 2007
::RocK staR::
Rock on!!
i didnt know i could play guitar..i play like John Napalm..huhuhu..
i like to play guitar along with a song from AFI,Miss Murder..
i have my own band..my band is JOJO
i know the name doesnt sound rock-ish,still i play like john napalm..
Rock on!!yeah!!
p/s::guitar hero3..is the next best thing after britney dance beat...for me.
i didnt know i could play guitar..i play like John Napalm..huhuhu..
i like to play guitar along with a song from AFI,Miss Murder..
i have my own band..my band is JOJO
i know the name doesnt sound rock-ish,still i play like john napalm..
Rock on!!yeah!!
p/s::guitar hero3..is the next best thing after britney dance beat...for me.
22 November 2007
::Human stories::
Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.
William James (1842 - 1910)
sometimes listening is better than talking..we need to listen more,and talk less..because sometimes,as we speak,words doesnt come out right as we intended it to be.
maybe,just maybe..the words we try to express mean the other way but was misunderstood by the other party...thinking really deep before conveying the words help to lower the misunderstanding
sometime...we just need to talk,and finding the right person to listen.
p/s::sometimes i do stumble upon my words
20 November 2007
::when all things fail::
puffy eyes be gone!!
( i try to this since morning,but it wont dissapear..)
any magic eye cream anyone..
im busted..big time..woo hooo!
Begitu Berat Melangkah
Melihat Kau Bersamanya
Adakah Aku Yang Salah
Atau Hanya Helah Saja
Ku Masih Mencintai Diri Kamu
Bila Kau Menjauh
Ku Rindu
Kau Bagaikan Udara
Yang Membantu Aku Untuk Terus Hidup Di Atas Dunia
Tanpa Mu Ku Lemah
Pasti Aku Tak Berdaya
Kerna Kau Maha Karya Cinta …
Biarpun Kau Tidak Mahu
Menerima Kasih Daku
Ku Kan Setia Bersama Mu
Sehingga Ke Akhir Waktu
Ku Masih Menyayangi Diri Kamu
Bila Kau Berlalu
Ku Rindu ..
Kau Bagaikan Udara
Yang Membantu Aku Untuk Terus Hidup Diatas Dunia
Tanpa Mu Ku Lemah
Pasti Aku Tak Berdaya
Kerna Kau Maha Karya Cinta
Kau Takkan Dapat Aku Lupakan
Kerna Kaulah Punca Cinta Kita
Mengajar Aku Erti Bahagia
Kembalilah ..
Terimalah Pesan Daku
Yang Akan Terus Menunggu …
( i try to this since morning,but it wont dissapear..)
any magic eye cream anyone..
im busted..big time..woo hooo!
Begitu Berat Melangkah
Melihat Kau Bersamanya
Adakah Aku Yang Salah
Atau Hanya Helah Saja
Ku Masih Mencintai Diri Kamu
Bila Kau Menjauh
Ku Rindu
Kau Bagaikan Udara
Yang Membantu Aku Untuk Terus Hidup Di Atas Dunia
Tanpa Mu Ku Lemah
Pasti Aku Tak Berdaya
Kerna Kau Maha Karya Cinta …
Biarpun Kau Tidak Mahu
Menerima Kasih Daku
Ku Kan Setia Bersama Mu
Sehingga Ke Akhir Waktu
Ku Masih Menyayangi Diri Kamu
Bila Kau Berlalu
Ku Rindu ..
Kau Bagaikan Udara
Yang Membantu Aku Untuk Terus Hidup Diatas Dunia
Tanpa Mu Ku Lemah
Pasti Aku Tak Berdaya
Kerna Kau Maha Karya Cinta
Kau Takkan Dapat Aku Lupakan
Kerna Kaulah Punca Cinta Kita
Mengajar Aku Erti Bahagia
Kembalilah ..
Terimalah Pesan Daku
Yang Akan Terus Menunggu …
19 November 2007
im kinda mellow today..mellow yellow..this song by Colbie Caillat-Bubbly
saome peolpe describe me as bubbly..am i? i take that as a compliment
I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place
And it starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under covers staying safe and warm
You give me feelings that I adore
And it starts in my toes
Make me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
What am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just mmmmm
And they start in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
I've been asleep for a while now
You tuck me in just like a child now
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
And it starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feeling shows
'cause you make me smile baby
Just take your time now
Holdin' me tight
Wherever wherever wherever you go
Wherever wherever wherever you go
wherever you go
I always know
'Cause you make me smile
Even just for a while
p/s::you make smile,even just foa a while
saome peolpe describe me as bubbly..am i? i take that as a compliment
I've been awake for a while now
You've got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place
And it starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
The rain is falling on my window pane
But we are hiding in a safer place
Under covers staying safe and warm
You give me feelings that I adore
And it starts in my toes
Make me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
What am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just mmmmm
And they start in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
I've been asleep for a while now
You tuck me in just like a child now
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
And it starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feeling shows
'cause you make me smile baby
Just take your time now
Holdin' me tight
Wherever wherever wherever you go
Wherever wherever wherever you go
wherever you go
I always know
'Cause you make me smile
Even just for a while
p/s::you make smile,even just foa a while
::how to have a peace of mind::
kepala pusing kepala pusing
wake up today my head is like to crack open..but i manage to go to work today..hooray for me!
yesterday night i watch muzik2 separu akhir balada..YAY! to Faizal Tahir..both of his songs masuk final..!YAY!!
i kinda like Siti Nurhaliza song -Bisakah..try listen to the lyrics...its deep and meaningful..well at least to me.
right now i need a peace of mind..(alas i have to work...*sigh*)
Daku terasa ingin membawa
Cinta yang terlara ke titik mula
Kembali mencuba untuk kali kedua
Menggilapkan gerhana jiwa
Pernah ku terasa ingin merayu
Pada kasih dulu pulang padaku
Lupakan dosaku putihkan kelabu
Tenangkan amarahmu
Bisakah yang terpadam dinyala
Bisakah yang terhina dicinta
Walau ku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
Naluri meminta kuungkapkan kata
Seindah bahasa janjikan setia
Akan bersemilah cinta dihatinya
Percaya ku semula
Bisakah yang benci disayangi
Bisakah yang dusta dimaafi
Walauku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
Bila senduku berlinang sayu
Dalam rinduku ku tertanya
Bisakah yang benci disayangi
Bisakah hatiku difahami
Walauku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
p/s::one way to have a peace of mind..listen to music you like.
wake up today my head is like to crack open..but i manage to go to work today..hooray for me!
yesterday night i watch muzik2 separu akhir balada..YAY! to Faizal Tahir..both of his songs masuk final..!YAY!!
i kinda like Siti Nurhaliza song -Bisakah..try listen to the lyrics...its deep and meaningful..well at least to me.
right now i need a peace of mind..(alas i have to work...*sigh*)
Daku terasa ingin membawa
Cinta yang terlara ke titik mula
Kembali mencuba untuk kali kedua
Menggilapkan gerhana jiwa
Pernah ku terasa ingin merayu
Pada kasih dulu pulang padaku
Lupakan dosaku putihkan kelabu
Tenangkan amarahmu
Bisakah yang terpadam dinyala
Bisakah yang terhina dicinta
Walau ku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
Naluri meminta kuungkapkan kata
Seindah bahasa janjikan setia
Akan bersemilah cinta dihatinya
Percaya ku semula
Bisakah yang benci disayangi
Bisakah yang dusta dimaafi
Walauku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
Bila senduku berlinang sayu
Dalam rinduku ku tertanya
Bisakah yang benci disayangi
Bisakah hatiku difahami
Walauku himpunkan sesalku
Bisakah terbuka kalbu
p/s::one way to have a peace of mind..listen to music you like.
15 November 2007
(im trying to master the skill of html,but im no jedi to do that..so i learn via online..(i got time i got time i got time)...i like this new template,if u like my template try visit suck my lolly she have dozens of beatiful template,and user friendly too, a sucker in html (like me..) also know how to used it...hahaha)
supposely i have to do my work..thats for sure..but im stalling the time by sitting in front of my 4 years old laptop,and browsing the net,until i came with the idea to change my blog template...hahaha.. (PROCRASTINATE is not good for you and me)
im tired right now,my heads kinda dizzy of something (yeah!thanks to the men downstairs who is drilling since morning!the noise is killing me)
::things to do::
1.watch baewoulf and bee movie
2.do some papercutting back home
3.have a nice goodnight sleep (as i really need it now)
p/s::pening kepala a'son
supposely i have to do my work..thats for sure..but im stalling the time by sitting in front of my 4 years old laptop,and browsing the net,until i came with the idea to change my blog template...hahaha.. (PROCRASTINATE is not good for you and me)
im tired right now,my heads kinda dizzy of something (yeah!thanks to the men downstairs who is drilling since morning!the noise is killing me)
::things to do::
1.watch baewoulf and bee movie
2.do some papercutting back home
3.have a nice goodnight sleep (as i really need it now)
One must be poor to know the luxury of giving.
George Eliot
p/s::pening kepala a'son
::ole picture 2::
13 November 2007
::ole picture::
last week, my mom in law,awin(my sis in law) and En.Suami were scavenging old pictures.Its a fun thing to do.I like old picture back in the sixties ans seventies..They have trimmings at the border of the picture.
as we salvaging through the heap of old albums and pictures ( mak dont have big album where you can stick like up to 100 of pictures in it,instead all were put in album where the photo shop gave you for free,so all the picture kind of mix and jumble alltogether...hehehe)..i saw a kid picture of En.Suami..he is adorable..wanna see?

i managed to scan this..En.Suami were salam2 during hari raya (i have to crop this picture,because during that year mak doesnt wear headscarf..)
through salvaging all the old pictures, mak told me all about the stories behind every picture taken,it was a bonding moment between me and mak,its kinda cool...hehehe
i knew,once ayah had a grocery shop (no wonder if ayah is multiligual,he can speak hokkien and tamil..its amazing)

ayah,at his younger years..
i smile,when my eyes meet upon this adorable picture of En.Suami..his kind of macho looking kid...hehehe(wearing a gold neklace..written with his name..)

p/s::how much do you know about your in laws?
p/s/s::next,my baby picture...hahaha
as we salvaging through the heap of old albums and pictures ( mak dont have big album where you can stick like up to 100 of pictures in it,instead all were put in album where the photo shop gave you for free,so all the picture kind of mix and jumble alltogether...hehehe)..i saw a kid picture of En.Suami..he is adorable..wanna see?

i managed to scan this..En.Suami were salam2 during hari raya (i have to crop this picture,because during that year mak doesnt wear headscarf..)
through salvaging all the old pictures, mak told me all about the stories behind every picture taken,it was a bonding moment between me and mak,its kinda cool...hehehe
i knew,once ayah had a grocery shop (no wonder if ayah is multiligual,he can speak hokkien and tamil..its amazing)

ayah,at his younger years..
i smile,when my eyes meet upon this adorable picture of En.Suami..his kind of macho looking kid...hehehe(wearing a gold neklace..written with his name..)

p/s::how much do you know about your in laws?
p/s/s::next,my baby picture...hahaha
09 November 2007
::kenapa saya tak daftar::
yep,i still dont bother to sign in my name for pilihanraya..
i know its a responsibility for each and every malaysian to vote.
this has been implented since we are in the uni.(Siap ada 'ugutan' dari pihak HEP,sapa tak mengundi,tak boleh keluar bandar and tak akan dapat duduk kolej, so reluctantly, i drag my feet to the dewan mengundi and vote secara 'hentam sajalah labu', i dont care who is the MPP's back then,i dont even know them,and i dont know wether they did jalankan tugas or whatsoever,i vote for the sake of duduk in the kolej...selfish me i would say)
so being one of the society,i have to vote for who will be govern our country..samada hijau putih,biru MUDA putih,biru TUA putih or bermacam-macam lagi..
its not a fair fight i would say in Malaysia..its never fair..so how will i vote
i dont even know which party would i vote..i dont know which its true,which one playfair..
oh dear,so many choices...thats the reason i dont yet mendaftar for pemilih...*sigh*
p/s::berjuang untuk agama dulu baru bangsa..
i know its a responsibility for each and every malaysian to vote.
this has been implented since we are in the uni.(Siap ada 'ugutan' dari pihak HEP,sapa tak mengundi,tak boleh keluar bandar and tak akan dapat duduk kolej, so reluctantly, i drag my feet to the dewan mengundi and vote secara 'hentam sajalah labu', i dont care who is the MPP's back then,i dont even know them,and i dont know wether they did jalankan tugas or whatsoever,i vote for the sake of duduk in the kolej...selfish me i would say)
so being one of the society,i have to vote for who will be govern our country..samada hijau putih,biru MUDA putih,biru TUA putih or bermacam-macam lagi..
its not a fair fight i would say in Malaysia..its never fair..so how will i vote
i dont even know which party would i vote..i dont know which its true,which one playfair..
oh dear,so many choices...thats the reason i dont yet mendaftar for pemilih...*sigh*
p/s::berjuang untuk agama dulu baru bangsa..
You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe |
But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated You're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites. And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear. |
i dont drink much coffee because sometimes it taste bitter..im not a coffee fan,im more a tea person..i like hot tea,teh tarik,teh ais
one of my favourite teh tarik is made by my own mom..my mom makes the perfect milk tea.
coffee nowadays are overrated (my two cents)..some people do drink their coffee at selected coffee shop,where they sell at much higher price,this is due they proclaim their coffee bean are from the best source in the world
do you know one thing...the best coffee bean is actually from a poo...a cat poo to be exact..u can try search it in Google...hahaha
for me coffee taste all the same..maybe because im not a coffee enthusiast
i once drink coffee from cffee shop such as Starbucks,coffee bean..the price is sooo overpriced..mahal! you have to pay RM8 for a cup...u can get 8 cups of coffee in mamak stall,or local kedai kopi..
from my humble opinion people who buy their coffee at such place whether their rich,or cant find any local kedai kopi,or the just wanna show off,or they just want people to see them that they are high class aka high maintanance...hahaha
lucky for me i dont drink coffee....that much
p/s::in terengganu they sell a cup of coffee for 60cents only...cheap cheap
07 November 2007
im dead bored today at the office/lab...nak jalan2 la,nak keluar dari tempat ni
im not in the mood to do anything (although im paid to do all this thing...hahaha)
i wish i can watch TV all morning..
kat opis,buka internet browse ntahapahapantah..carik sekolah2 lama..jalan2 tengok perkembangan sekolah
abis friendster buka tengok friendlist...bosan la..
layan blog yang sama everyday...bohsan la
malam ni nak tgk bee movie la..ada gak benda nak buat...adus...busan tahap ayam dah ni
banyak movie nak tengok ni.....
4.the golden compass
5.mr what its name the wonder emporium
weehoo!saya layan je movie apa2..review kata C- pun saya layan je..
setiap orang ada taste sendiri..saya kata durian sedap,ada orang tak suka..betul tak?
(senarai kerja saya yg tak habis2
1.cari positif sample iridovirus
2.run PCR parallel with positive from IQ 2000
3. extract DNA sample from cell culture
5.hantar sequence
bila lah nak buat...malas harini tade mood..)
p/s::bila nak honeymoon ni....
im not in the mood to do anything (although im paid to do all this thing...hahaha)
i wish i can watch TV all morning..
kat opis,buka internet browse ntahapahapantah..carik sekolah2 lama..jalan2 tengok perkembangan sekolah
abis friendster buka tengok friendlist...bosan la..
layan blog yang sama everyday...bohsan la
malam ni nak tgk bee movie la..ada gak benda nak buat...adus...busan tahap ayam dah ni
banyak movie nak tengok ni.....
4.the golden compass
5.mr what its name the wonder emporium
weehoo!saya layan je movie apa2..review kata C- pun saya layan je..
setiap orang ada taste sendiri..saya kata durian sedap,ada orang tak suka..betul tak?
(senarai kerja saya yg tak habis2
1.cari positif sample iridovirus
2.run PCR parallel with positive from IQ 2000
3. extract DNA sample from cell culture
5.hantar sequence
bila lah nak buat...malas harini tade mood..)
p/s::bila nak honeymoon ni....
06 November 2007
::Cik Intan ku shayang::

happy birthday mama ku shayang!
berapa ek umur mama..53 kot..tak ingat la..ingat 40 kot..hehehe
mama..emm mama masak sedap!saya suka semuanya
mama best..dulu2 masa saya belum kawen,mama la tempat saya nangis, mengada2, manja2, gedik2..
hahaha..mama la semuanya..
dulu2 masa saya kat Uni. saya nak ponteng kelas..baru je nak tido,mama call..
tanya takde kelas ke harini...saya gelak gelak je.. cakap.."ada,tapi ponteng.." hahaha
mama macam tahu2 jer anak2 die buat apa..magic kan..
dulu2 saya suka kacau mama...kalau balik rumah..saya suka bagi salam macam ni "ASSALAMUALAIKUM!!!CIK INTAN ADA!!"..mama pun terkocoh-kocoh dengan masih memakai telenkungnya membuka pintu.."Waalaikumussalam.."..nampak aje saya...mama kata"bertuah punya anak..ingat siapa la"...saya ketawa termonyeh-monyeh...hahah
dulu2 kalau saya ada masalah...saya suke tepon mama,bagitahu masalah saya...lepas tu saya suka nak nangis2...bukan apa..saya rindu mama,jadi saya nangis la..saya tak kisah pun...mama pun dengar dan bagi nasihat...saya lega...saya berhenti la nangis...saya saaaayang mama.
tapi sekarang dah kahwin...En.Suami selalu suruh saya telefon mama,tanya khabar...beruntung saya dapat En.Suami.
mama untung betul ada suami macam baba..baba pun untung dapat isteri macam mama
kami pun beruntung dapat mama and baba macam...mama and baba la jugak
mama ku shayang..Selamat Hari Lahir..semoga dikekalkan kesihatan yang berpanjangan dan di beri kerahmatan olehNya.
p/s::mama doakan kami dapat anak cepat2 sikit...supaya baba boleh spoil kan anak kami...hahaha..Emuahh!
ive been blogging since two years ago if im not mistaken
my blog is mostly about ME...me,me,me
hahaha..i can be selfish whenever i blog
some people do blog about politics (yucks!),their pet (awww).or just about everything..
for me, blog is a great way to express your feeling...but sometime you have to be discreet,not to reveal all (if you are bloging bout yourself lah..)
its a free world..you can write just about everything
tapi tulis2 gak..kalau ada yang kene ISA tu,tak tahu la...
democracy kunun2 nya..hahahaha
so friends,i encourage you all to blog (about yourself,better..) so we can know what is everybody up to this days...(sekarang ni susah nak meet up kawan2 lama,takat friendster ada profile je,tade cerite...)
p/s::saya blog yang benar benar sahaja..
my blog is mostly about ME...me,me,me
hahaha..i can be selfish whenever i blog
some people do blog about politics (yucks!),their pet (awww).or just about everything..
for me, blog is a great way to express your feeling...but sometime you have to be discreet,not to reveal all (if you are bloging bout yourself lah..)
its a free world..you can write just about everything
tapi tulis2 gak..kalau ada yang kene ISA tu,tak tahu la...
democracy kunun2 nya..hahahaha
so friends,i encourage you all to blog (about yourself,better..) so we can know what is everybody up to this days...(sekarang ni susah nak meet up kawan2 lama,takat friendster ada profile je,tade cerite...)
p/s::saya blog yang benar benar sahaja..
05 November 2007
::khas untuk En. Boe::
Apabila engkau berjumpa
Dengan seorang dara
Yang banyak memberi harapan
Dengan sepenuh jiwa
Jangan biarkan ia menunggu
Janganlah sampai ia berlalu
Jangan fikir lama-lama
Nanti lama-lama
Dia diambil orang
Sesal dan kesal engkau nantinya
Bila bungamu dirayu orang
Ke mana engkau akan mencari
Bila sang bunga melangkah pergi
Kerna tunggu lama-lama
Nanti lama-lama
Dia diambil orang
Apabila engkau berjumpa
Dengan seorang dara
Yang terlalu banyak meminta
Tiada menimbang rasa
Jangan dimanja atau dipandang
Walaupun hanya sebelah mata
Jangan tunggu lama-lama
Nanti lama-lama
Dia makin menyiksa
p/s::apadaa abg. boe..tunggu apa lagi..masuk la minang..!hahaha
01 November 2007
::my look alike contest!::
http://www.myheritage.com/collage |
its really funny..i just want to kill the time while waiting the clock hit 5pm..
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